This is the complete list of members for SpectralManager< Hamiltonian >, including all inherited members.
apply_operators_on_thermal_state(int Lcell, int dLphys, bool CHECK=true) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
beta_propagation(const Hamiltonian &Hprop, const HamiltonianThermal &Htherm, int Lcell, int dLphys, double betamax_input, double dbeta_input, double tol_compr_beta_input, size_t Mlim, qarray< Symmetry::Nq > Q, double s_betainit, double betaswitch, string wd, string th_label, bool LOAD_BETA=false, bool SAVE_BETA=true, DMRG::VERBOSITY::OPTION VERB=DMRG::VERBOSITY::HALFSWEEPWISE, vector< double > stateSavePoints={}, vector< string > stateSaveLabels={}, int Ntaylor=0, bool CALC_C=true, bool CALC_CHI=true, bool USE_PHIT=false) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
beta_propagation(const Hamiltonian &Hprop, const HamiltonianThermal &Htherm, int Lcell, int dLphys, double betamax, double dbeta, double tol_compr_beta, size_t Mlim, qarray< Hamiltonian::Symmetry::Nq > Q, double s_betainit, double betaswitch, string wd, string th_label, bool LOAD_BETA, bool SAVE_BETA, DMRG::VERBOSITY::OPTION VERB, vector< double > stateSavePoints, vector< string > stateSaveLabels, int Ntaylor, bool CALC_C, bool CALC_CHI, bool USE_PHIT) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
betamax | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
CHECK_SPEC(string spec) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inlinestatic |
CHOSEN_VERB | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
compute(string wd, string label, int Ns, double tmax, double dt=0.2, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, Q_RANGE QR=ZERO_2PI, int qpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA, size_t Mlim=500ul, double tol_DeltaS=1e-2, double tol_compr=1e-4) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
compute_finite(size_t j0, string wd, string label, int Ns, double tmax, double dt=0.1, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA, size_t Mlim=500ul, double tol_DeltaS=1e-2, double tol_compr=1e-4) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
compute_finiteCell(int Lcell, int x0, string wd, string label, double tmax, double dt=0.1, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, Q_RANGE QR=ZERO_2PI, int qpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA, size_t Mlim=500ul, double tol_DeltaS=1e-2, double tol_compr=1e-4) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
compute_thermal(string wd, string label, int dLphys, double tmax, double dt=0.1, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, Q_RANGE QR=ZERO_2PI, int qpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA, size_t Mlim=500ul, double tol_DeltaS=1e-2, double tol_compr=1e-4) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
continue_beta_propagation(const Hamiltonian &Hprop, int Lcell, int dLphys, double s_betainit, double betainit, double betamax, double dbeta, double tol_compr_beta, size_t Mlim, qarray< Hamiltonian::Symmetry::Nq > Q, double betaswitch, string wd, string th_label, string LOAD_BETA, bool SAVE_BETA, DMRG::VERBOSITY::OPTION VERB, vector< double > stateSavePoints, vector< string > stateSaveLabels, bool CALC_C, bool CALC_CHI) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
DAG(std::string spec) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inlinestatic |
dbeta | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Eg | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
energy() const | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
FTcell_xq() | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
g | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
get_GwqCell(int z) const | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
get_Op(const Hamiltonian &H, size_t loc, std::string spec, double factor=1., size_t locy=0, int dLphys=1) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
get_PhiT() const | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
gfinite | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Green | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
ground() const | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
Hwork | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
L | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Lhetero | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
make_A1P(GreenPropagator< Hamiltonian, Symmetry, Scalar, complex< double > > &Gfull, string wd, string label, int Ns, double tmax, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, Q_RANGE QR=ZERO_2PI, int qpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA, bool SAVE_N_MU=true) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
make_A1P_finite(GreenPropagator< Hamiltonian, Symmetry, Scalar, complex< double > > &Gfull, string wd, string label, double tmax, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
Ncells | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Nspec | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Odag | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Oshift | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
OxPhiCellBra | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
OxPhiCellKet | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
OxPhiTt | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
Phi | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
PhiT | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
PhiTt | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
reload(string wd, const vector< string > &specs_input, string label, int L, int Ncells, int Ns, double tmax, double wmin=-10., double wmax=10., int wpoints=501, Q_RANGE QR=ZERO_2PI, int qpoints=501, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT=OOURA) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
resize_Green(string wd, string label, int Ns, double tmax, double dt, double wmin, double wmax, int wpoints, Q_RANGE QR, int qpoints, GREEN_INTEGRATION INT) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
Scalar typedef | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
set_measurement(int iz, string spec, double factor, int dLphys, qarray< Symmetry::Nq > Q, int Lcell, int measure_interval_input=10, string measure_name_input="M", string measure_subfolder_input=".", bool TRANSFORM=false) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
set_Ncells(int Ncells_input) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
set_PhiT(const Mps< Symmetry, Scalar > &PhiT_input) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
specs | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
SpectralManager() | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
SpectralManager(const vector< string > &specs_input, const Hamiltonian &H, const vector< Param > ¶ms, VUMPS::CONTROL::GLOB GlobSweepParams, qarray< Symmetry::Nq > Q, int Ncells_input, const vector< Param > ¶ms_hetero, string gs_label="gs", bool LOAD_GS=false, bool SAVE_GS=false, DMRG::VERBOSITY::OPTION VERB=DMRG::VERBOSITY::HALFSWEEPWISE, double tol_OxV=2., int locyBra=0, int locyKet=0) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
SpectralManager(const vector< string > &specs_input, const Hamiltonian &H, const vector< Param > ¶ms, DMRG::CONTROL::GLOB GlobSweepParams, qarray< Symmetry::Nq > Q, string gs_label="gs", bool LOAD_GS=false, bool SAVE_GS=false, DMRG::VERBOSITY::OPTION VERB=DMRG::VERBOSITY::HALFSWEEPWISE, double tol_OxV=2., int locy=0) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
SpectralManager(const vector< string > &specs_input, const Hamiltonian &H, DMRG::VERBOSITY::OPTION VERB=DMRG::VERBOSITY::HALFSWEEPWISE) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inline |
Symmetry typedef | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | |
TIME_DIR(std::string spec) | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | inlinestatic |
tol_compr_beta | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |
x0 | SpectralManager< Hamiltonian > | private |